born in shoreham hospital, just a couple of beds away from my closest friend (although we didnt discover this fact until the year 2000) i live just a few short miles away from the popular tourist city of brighton & hove on the south east coast UK.

a geek, a foodie, a father and a child at heart, by that i mean i’m eager to learn and stay curious

a few quick facts:

  • i love a challenge and a riddle
  • i sing and i dance (neither particularly well)
  • i enjoy taking pictures of the weird and wonderful that drifts through my days
  • since late teens ive been tall
  • what i lack in my wallet i make up for in the people around me.

take a stroll through my ramblings, i hope you find something you like.

i won’t bore you with the minutiae of what it is that makes me who i am – suffice to say that things can get crazy and when it does you’ll find me cracking a joke and swimming as hard as I can.