the end is near!

yup, you heard it here first (or perhaps read it on a sandwich board strapped to some street preacher ) – who knows, all i do know is that the days of “cheap & easy” energy are numbered and i feel that in my lifetime a radical change is needed, something that i honestly don’t think we, as a species are capable of making a reality.

fossil fuels are dirty, finite and becoming increasingly more expensive to get at. as i type this, the cost of filling up the tank in my car stands at about £85, when i first started driving, petrol was around the 69p/litre mark, today it’s £1.37+.

It’s all heading in one direction and the important thing is to not let it effect your everyday life, dont get me wrong, i’m not saying that we need to stock up on tinned foods and bottled water (although it might help!) i’m just saying that if you expect the worst, whatever actually happens can only be seen as a bonus.

positive mental attitude – in the long run its what will keep us all sane.